July 10 -14, 2023 | Tokyo, Japan
Fi Award Competition 2023
This contest is only for students and aims to demonstrate the latest results in multimedia technologies. To take part in the competition, teams must register and follow the contest rules as outlined below. Teams submit full software products, covering the whole software development process. After a careful evaluation carried out by the Program Committee, several finalist teams will be invited to FC 2023 in Tokyo, Japan and to present and demonstrate their projects and receive their awards in the conference.

Golden Award
SONAR Assisted Learning System
Silver Award
Development of a Wearable Guide Device based on Convolutional Neural Network for Blind or Visually Impaired Persons
Bronze Award
Design and Development of Photography VR Game
Game Design: This track is intended to show the game development in mobile, PC and Console, not limited to programming. You can make a case by any popular multimedia authoring tools.
Frontier Computing Applications in Artificial Intelligence or Interactive Technology: Frontier Computing can be used for entertainment, education, museum exhibits and so much more. The original design consists of your innovation or standard patent application in this track. Your end product is only limited by your imagination.
Fi-Award Competition has the two tracks, please choose one track for your project. Each team should include 1 or 2 advisor(s) and do not exceed 5 students.
Please submit a VIDEO and PDF Document for Fi-Award Competition 2023. Video may be simulations or demonstrations, for example, and can be a great tool to enhance and promote your idea. The video should not exceed 3 minutes and must accompany a PDF document within 4-6 pages by LNEE format [Word] or [Latex]. The video will be sent to peer review with your document for evaluation.
Please include "Game Design", "Frontier Computing Applications in Artificial Intelligence" or "Frontier Computing Applications in Interactive Technology" in the email title.
May 12, 2023: Submission for participation closes. (A 3-mins video and pdf document.)
May 26, 2023: Selection of the best teams, among which the finalists of the contest will be selected. The best teams will be asked to submit a final report, which will be included in the finalists.
June 9, 2023: Deadline for the submission of the final PDF document. LNEE Format: [Word] or [Latex].
June 9, 2023: Early-bird registration due.
June 10 - 14, 2023: Awards All finalists will be recognized.

Evaluation of Projects
The video and slide should include the various artifacts produced during the development, according to the requests formulated in the project description. Each submitted report will be evaluated by at least 2 members of the Program Committee.
The judges will grade entries by the following criteria:
The originality of Concept--Does the project introduce a great new idea?
Effective Use of the Platform --Does the application take advantage of OS and hardware?
Polish and Appeal--Is the application easy to use and aesthetically appealing?
Final Submission
The eventually selected teams will be required to submit a Final PDF Document based on Review Comments. The PDF document should follow the LNEE format within 4-6 pages, [Word] or [Latex]. Those teams will be invited to present and demonstrate their projects in the FC 2023 conference. Award winners will be selected during the conference by all-conference participators. The teams are responsible to prepare all the material that is necessary to run and fully evaluate their applications during the conference. Each selected team is requested to register strictly.
Copyright Issues
Unless exceptions are explicitly stated in advance, all artifacts produced by the teams will be treated confidentially by the PC during the evaluation phase but a copyright release will be requested from the teams selected to submit a full report of their project (see the evaluation procedure).

Panel of Judges
The application competition is co-chaired by and includes members both from academia and industry. Co-chairs, panel of judges:

Neil Y. Yen, The University of Aizu, Japan
Guan-Hao Tseng, iStuNet Inc. & IET Taipei, Taiwan
Jury Members:

Neil Y. Yen, The University of Aizu, Japan
Guan-Hao Tseng, iStuNet Inc. & IET Taipei, Taiwan
Yan Pei, The University of Aizu, Japan
Nigel Lin, Santa Clara University, USA
Francisco Isidro Massetto, Universidade Federal do ABC, Brazil
Maiga Chang, Athabasca University, Canada
Jun Shen, University of Wollongong, Australia
Ying-Hung Pu, National Taichung University of Science and Technology, Taiwan
Jui-Hung Chang, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan